Swan 琵琶湖水鳥・湿地センターラムサール条約ラムサール条約を活用しよう第7回締約国会議

ラムサール条約 第7回締約国会議

決議.3 パートナーシップ


 英語   フランス語   スペイン語  (以上,条約事務局)    PDF  (環境省のインデックスページ)

"People and Wetlands: The Vital Link"
1999年5月1018日 コスタリカ サンホセ











[以上決議本文和訳:「ラムサール条約第7回締約国会議の記録」(環境庁 2000)より了解を得て再録.]


Rules for conferring the status of International Organization Partner of the Convention on Wetlands

1. International organizations, both intergovernmental and non-governmental, formally recognized as Partners of the Convention on Wetlands by its Conference of the Contracting Parties will be expected to contribute on a regular basis and to the best of their abilities to the further development of the policies and technical and scientific tools of the Convention and to their application.

2. Partners shall be invited to participate in an observer capacity and as advisors in all activities of the Convention, including the meetings of the Conference of Contracting Parties, the Standing Committee, and the Scientific and Technical Review Panel, as well as regional and subregional meetings.

3. Partners may also be invited, if required, to contribute to the evaluation of project proposals, project implementation, and the evaluation of project results, as well as to participate in the development of policy and technical and/or scientific instruments for the application of the Convention.

4. Thus, the status of Partner shall be conferred to international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations taking into account the following characteristics:

4.1. Have a programme of activities that is global or at least covers many countries in one or more regions of the world.

4.2. Have a statement of purpose that explicitly, or by clear implication, includes the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.

4.3. Have a track record of experience in providing support to and/or implementing on-the-ground projects that contribute to wetland conservation and sustainable use.

4.4. Have demonstrated experience in implementing partnership ventures such as training and education, technical and/or scientific expertise, policy development, and/or evaluation and assessment, particularly where such ventures would bring new and additional benefits to the functioning of the Ramsar partnership.

4.5. Have a positive reputation for being willing and able to cooperate with national and international bodies, including both governmental and non-governmental ones.

4.6. Have stated their readiness to actively contribute on a regular basis to the further development of the policies and tools of the Convention on Wetlands and their application on the ground, particularly by assisting Contracting Parties to meet their obligations under the Convention.

4.7. Are prepared to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Bureau of the Convention, where the partnership agreement should be spelt out fully.


[英語原文:ラムサール条約事務局,1999.Ramsar Resolution VII.3 "Partnerships with international organizations", May 1999, Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, 1971). http://ramsar.org/res/key_res_vii.03e.htm.]
[決議本文和訳:「ラムサール条約第7回締約国会議の記録」(環境庁 2000)より了解を得て再録,琵琶湖ラムサール研究会,2001年6月.]

Swan 琵琶湖水鳥・湿地センターラムサール条約ラムサール条約を活用しよう第7回締約国会議
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URL: http://www.biwa.ne.jp/%7enio/ramsar/cop7/key_res_vii.03j.htm
Last update: 2006/09/27, Biwa-ko Ramsar Kenkyu-kai (BRK).